ny willamette

Brewing Values

  • Alpha Acid: 4.1 - 7.3%

  • Beta Acid: 3.0 - 4.6%

  • Total Oils: 0.6 - 1.5 mL/100g


Considered a pillar of the US hops industry. Willamette is constantly compared to for growth and vigor with new variety trials. First selected in Oregon in 1967 and released in 1971. Willamette is a triploid aroma hop with its heritage being primarily derived from English variety Fuggle and a Fuggle Tetraploid. It was originally bred to replace Fuggle, with its good agronomical features and yields. It shares this same pedigree with its sister selection, Columbia. When brewed, Willamette features complex spiciness characterized by both herbal, floral and fruity notes that works well in lighter styles ranging from Lagers and Pale ales all the way to dark styles to balance out malty sweetness.

Aromas: Herbal Spice, Floral notes with Stone Fruit/Berry undertones.

Alternative Varieties