HOPSAUCE® is The HOPGUILD‘s proprietary hop extract developed to replace traditional hop pellets on the hot side and in the whirlpool. HOPSAUCE® will reduce wort loss while enhancing the flavor and aroma in your beer! HOPSAUCE® is flowable at room temps and makes for a perfect whirlpool product!
More Profit Per Batch
Replacing and/or reducing T-90 Pellets during the brewing process increases the available liquid volume. More volume means more beer per batch and therefore larger potential sales volumes per batch.
A single pallet of hops contains 25 cases, with an average shipping cost of $349. Hop Extracts weigh less than traditional pellets and can potentially save over 70% on shipping costs.
A single pallet of hops takes up 46.6 cubic feet or 13.3 square feet of storage space. Hop Extracts can use up to 95% less space, freeing up storage for other essential ingredients or more beer.
Reducing the volume of hop pellets translates to less plastic and cardboard waste, and less trub means less water waste during the cleanup process.
Reduce BAD Waste
Available Varieties
And more in the way soon!
Are you looking to increase the flavor and aroma of your beer; while saving money on trub loss and shipping costs?
Introducing the best sauce to come out of New York since Buffalo! Our team has worked tirelessly over the last few years to create the most revolutionary hop product New York has ever produced! Our proprietary CO2 extract for kettle and whirlpool additions is flowable at room temps and ready to brighten up your beers, available in 9 different Hand Selected varieties grown in New York, Domestically, or Internationally!
New Variety Requests
Looking for a variety that we don’t yet offer? Let us know here!