ny usda exp008

HRC 002

Brewing Values

  • Alpha Acid: 11.0 - 11.8%

  • Beta Acid: 3.0 - 3.17%

  • Total Oils: 1.0 - 1.25 mL/100g


HRC-002, formerly known as 2000010-008, is an Elite Line experimental public hop from the John Henning’s USDA hop breeding program. Originally crossed in 2000, it’s mother is Nugget and it’s father 21328M. Agronomically HRC-002 is remarkable for being a very early maturer, often ready to harvest nearly a week before most varieties and shows promise as a good yielder. EXP 008 / HRC002 has shown promise in hop forward beers being compared to traditional C Hops. Most recently with its Purple forward flavors it has been compared to Passion Fruit forward hops like Simcoe, Strata and even Galaxy. EXP008 / HRC002 shows promise in New York as a profitable early harvesting hop!

Aromas: Purple and Turquoise flavors. Plum, Sweet Fruits, Star Fruit, Passion Fruit, Spearmint and Orange Dew Melon.

Alternative Varieties