ny triumph

Brewing Values

  • Alpha Acid: 9.1 - 11.9%

  • Beta Acid: 3.1 - 5.0%

  • Total Oils: 0.7 - 1.9 mL/100g


Triumph's parentage includes Nugget, Brewers Gold, East Kent Goldings, and Hallertau Mittelfruh. Triumph was breed by the USDA ARS Corvallis, Oregon lead researcher John Henning in collaboration with PNW Growers. Triumph was released to the public in 2019 and named after John Henning’s favorite motorcycle brand “Triumph”. Triumph is a phenomenal growing hop in New York. With its late emerging tendencies it stays dormant for longer and avoids early season Downy Mildew pressures. Its a robust grower that can create a very large plant littered with cones making it a high yielding hop! Its unique flavor profile ranges from very fruity to very noble like making it well suited for many beer styles. Basically Triumph is a work horse on steroids. Its light fruity flavors work very well in IPAs in conjunction with more potent varieties but its not to over the top that it also works very well in Lagers and traditional styles. Recently being compared to hops like NZ Motueka or even called New York’s Motueka!

Aromas: Cara Cara Orange, Peach, Floral Honey suckle notes, noble like spiciness.

Alternative Varieties