NY skaexp001™
Brewing Values
Alpha Acid: 8.8 - 9.9%
Beta Acid: 5.9 - 6.7%
Total Oils: 1.0 - 1.9 mL/100g
New York State was once home to the largest hop growing region in the world!! We’re lucky enough our ancestors left many of the home grown hops behind to flourish at the edges of fields and in random spots all around the state. SKAEXP is not one of those. We like to think of this as an orphan. A hop that was born of these old school landrace varietals and watched from the side of the fields. Until one lucky farmer Mr. Tim Connelly of Skaneateles Hop Farm came across it and decided to give it a go!! The rest will go down in hop growing history with its great agronomic characteristics, superior disease resistance and gorgeous cone structure. SKAEXP is a wonderful mix of new school meets old school with good alpha acids and terpene make up this hop works exceptionally well as a light sprinkle in lagers and lighter styles but compliments IPA’s and Pales very well too!
Aromas: Cannabis like Citrus, blended with Sweet White Pepper and Floral accents of Honey Suckle!!