
YCR 14

Brewing Values

  • Alpha Acid: 11.2 - 15.3%

  • Beta Acid: 3.2 - 5.1%

  • Total Oils: 0.8 - 3.3 mL/100g


In 2000, YCR released the Simcoe® Brand YCR-14 hop, which is an aroma brand known for its versatility and unique characteristics. Simcoe® hops boast several different aromas, including passion fruit, pine, earthy, and citrus, and also has strong bittering qualities. It is used extensively in both craft and home brewing. It was a pioneering hop for both new school Pale Ales and the onslaught of IPA’s that shaped the craft beer industry starting with everyone’s favorite West Coast IPA.

Aromas: Passion Fruit, Grapefruit Citrus, Piney and Earthy.

Alternative Varieties