
HBC 369 c.v.

Brewing Values

  • Alpha Acid: 11.4 - 13.6%

  • Beta Acid: 3.1 - 4.0%

  • Total Oils: 1.1 - 2.6 mL/100g


Mosaic® is an aroma hop brand developed by Hop Breeding Company LLC (John I. Haas. and Yakima Chief Ranches) and released in 2012. Mosaic® offers a unique and complex blend of floral, tropical, fruity, and earthy characteristics that translate very favorably into several styles of beer. Mosaic® is the daughter of YCR 14 Simcoe® and a Nugget derived male.

Aromas: Tropical Fruit, Blueberry, Earth Floral notes.

Alternative Varieties