ny cluster
Brewing Values
Alpha Acid: 5.5 - 9.3%
Beta Acid: 4.4 - 6.1%
Total Oils: 0.4 - 1.1 mL/100g
Cluster is thought to be one of the oldest and in one of the most robust hop varieties in the United States. At one point Cluster made up 96% of all the hops grown in the United States and this was the case up until the 1970’s. With its balanced aroma and bittering profile and outstanding storage stability, it has long been a go to hop of large commercial breweries in the United States. Our New York grown Cluster shines in the field as well as in the kettle. It’s a great dual purpose hop that can be used for bittering and flavor/aroma additions and also works extremely well in lagers and ales.
Aromas: Sweet Floral almost Honeysuckle like notes with a Citrus undertone, rounded out with a pleasant Herbal almost savory aroma.