ny centennial

Brewing Values

  • Alpha Acid: 7.7 - 11.8%

  • Beta Acid: 3.4 - 3.8%

  • Total Oils: 1.7 - 2.2 mL/100g


Centennial is a mix of Brewer’s Gold, East Kent Golding, Fuggle and Bavarian hops. Developed in 1974 and released in 1990, Centennial was pioneered by Charles (Chuck) Zimmerman and S.T. Kenny at Washington State University. A classic style that works well in both bittering and aroma additions. A fine hop for all around brewing but shines in dry hopping. Sometimes considered a Super Cascade. NY Centennial boosts more pronounced tropical notes but ranges with vanilla and cream notes as well as sometimes floral notes. It also has extremely high amounts of Geraniol and Linalool (up to 3% of the total oil makeup) which makes is perfect for whirlpool and bio hop additions. Centennial is also one of the top hops with survivable compounds, making it a winner throughout the boil process with favorable flavors making it to the finished beer.

Aromas: Strong Citrus, Sweet Fruits, Honey Suckle

Alternative Varieties