
ADHA 483 c.v.

Brewing Values

  • Alpha Acid: 11.3 - 16.1%

  • Beta Acid: 4.1 - 5.2%

  • Total Oils: 1.1 - 2.0 mL/100g


Azacca® was named after the Haitian god of agriculture. It is big in Alpha Acids (14-16%) and has a bright and refreshing aroma with tropical fruits, citrus, and juicy mango. Azacca is a dual-purpose hop that produces sensational single-hopped beers. Try whirlpooling with Azacca after flameout to maximize the juicy flavors and sweet aroma.

Aroma: pleasant mix of tropical fruits kissed with citrus. On the palate it’s particularly spicy, with mango, pineapple and some pine and tangerine-esque qualities.

Alternative Varieties